Advanced Actions


All examples on this page assume that the HC_CACHE_STORAGE variable has been set. If you do not know what this means, read the Caching and being nice to web archives section first.

To build your own sampling algorithms or explore a collection in different ways, Hypercane also offers the advanced actions of:

  • identify - for discovering one Memento object from another
  • filter - for filtering the documents from the input based on some criteria
  • cluster - for clustering the documents from the input based on an algorithm and features
  • score - for scoring the documents from the input based on some scoring function
  • order - for ordering the documents in the input based on some feature


The identify action produces one type of Memento Protocol object from another. With identify, a user can submit a list of URI-Ts and get the full list of URI-Ms or URI-Rs discovered in those TimeMaps. They can also submit a list of URI-Ms and produce the corresponding URI-Ts or URI-Rs. Hypercane discovers this information via the Memento Protocol.

For example, to identify the mementos in Trove collection 13524:

hc identify mementos -i trove -a 13524 -o mementos.tsv

or to identify the TimeMaps in Archive-It collection 8788:

hc identify timemaps -i archiveit -a 8788 -o timemap-output-file.tsv

or to identify the original resources based on the mementos in file mementos.tsv:

hc identify original-resources -i mementos -a mementos.tsv -o original-resources.tsv

or discover the TimeMaps for the mementos in the file mementos.tsv:

hc identify timemaps -i mementos -a mementos.tsv -o timemaps.tsv

The identify action supports the following criteria:

  • mementos - discover all mementos in the input; for performance, it only discovers URI-Ms and assumes that the archive reports the mementos accurately
  • timemaps - discover all timemaps in the input; for performance, it only discovers URI-Ts and assumes that the archive reports the TimeMaps accurately
  • original-resources - discovers all original-resources in the input

The following diagram indicates how Hypercane handles discovering one type of memento object based on another.


Type hc identify --help for more information on all available options. The --help argument can also be supplied to a single option for more information, e.g., hc identify mementos --help.


Hypercane’s filter action accepts either include-only or exclude as subactions. These modifiers then apply to the criteria specified. For example, to discover mementos in Archive-It collection 8788 and list only those in English and German, run the following:

hc filter include-only languages --lang en,es -i archiveit -a 8788 -o english-spanish-mementos.txt

or to exclude mementos containing the string cheese from a list of mementos:

hc filter exclude containing_pattern --pattern 'cheese' -i mementos -a mementofile.tsv -o mementos-without-cheese.tsv

The filter action supports the following criteria for include-only:

  • on-topic - only list mementos that are on-topic
  • non-duplicates - only list mementos that are not duplicates
  • containing-pattern - only list mementos where their content contains the given pattern
  • languages - only list mementos written in the given languages
  • near-datetime - only list mementos between the datetimes provided, needed for SPFT stories
  • containing-url-pattern - only list mementos where the URI-R contains the given pattern, needed for FPST stories
  • highest-score-per-cluster - only list the highest ranking memento in each cluster, requires that the input contain clusters generated by the texttt{cluster} action
  • largest-clusters - only list mementos from the $k$ largest clusters, requires that the input contain clusters generated by the texttt{cluster} action
  • score - only list mementos that match a given score range, requires that the input contains scoring information generated by the texttt{score} action

Type hc filter include-only --help for more information on the available options for each criteria. The --help argument can also be supplied to a single option for more information, e.g., hc filter include-only languages --help.

The following criteria exist for exclude:

  • languages - exclude mementos with the given languages (specified with –lang)
  • off-topic - execute the Off-Topic Memento Toolkit to exclude off-topic mementos
  • near-duplicates - employ Simhash to exclude mementos that are near-duplicates
  • containing-pattern - exclue mementos that contain the given regular experession pattern

Type hc filter exclude --help for more information on the available options for each criteria. The --help argument can also be supplied to a single option for more information, e.g., hc filter exclude off-topic --help.


Clustering divides a collection into meaningful sub-collections for further processing, such as scoring and filtering, to produce exemplars. Some clustering functions, like dbscan and kmeans require that the user specify a feature through the –feature argument.

For example, to cluster a the mementos from the file mdt-slices.tsv by the feature TF Simash using the clustering algorithm DBSCAN, type the following:

hc cluster dbscan -i mementos -a mdt-slices.tsv -o sliced-and-clustered.tsv --feature tf-simhash

or to cluster all of the mementos in Pandora Subject 82 by their original resource URI-R:

hc cluster original-resource -i pandora-subject -a 82 -o 82-original-resources.tsv

or to cluster the mementos in Archive-It collection 694 by Latent Dirichlet Allocation:

hc cluster lda -i archiveit -a 694 -o clustered.tsv

The following criteria exist for cluster:

  • time-slice - cluster the collection via AlNoamany’s time slicing algorithm
  • dbscan - cluster the collection via the user-supplied feature and DBSCAN
  • lda - cluster the collection via Latent Dirchlet Allocation (LDA) topic modeling
  • kmeans - cluster the collection via the user-supplied feature and K-means clustering
  • domainname - cluster the collection by the domainname of each URI-R
  • original-resource - cluster the collection by URI-R

Type hc cluster --help for more information on the available options for each criteria. The --help argument can also be supplied to a single option for more information, e.g., hc cluster lda --help.


Scoring is also an essential staple of summarization to help rank multiple candidates. Hypercane’s score action allows the user to choose from multiple scoring criteria.

To score the mementos in the file input_mementos.tsv by AlNoamany’s scoring function

hc score dsa1-scoring -i mementos -a input_mementos.tsv -o scored_mementos.tsv

or to score the mementos in Trove collection 13123 using BM25 with the query cheese:

hc score bm25 -i trove -a 13123 -o scored_mementos.tsv --query "cheese"

or to score the mementos found in the TimeMaps in the file timemaps.tsv by how well those mementos create a card on Facebook and Twitter:

hc score simple-card-score -i timemaps -a timemaps.tsv -o scored_mementos.tsv

The following criteria are available for score:

  • dsa1-score - AlNoamany’s scoring function; requires a Memento Damage server
  • bm25 - score each memento by how well they match a given term as per BM25; requires that the user specify a term via --query
  • image-count - score each memento by the number of images in each memento; this can be useful for image-rich story types
  • simple-card-score - score each memento by how well it would be represented as a social card on Facebook and Twitter as applied by Jones et al. in 2021
  • path-depth - score each memento by its path depth, as defined by McCown et al. in 2015
  • url-category-score - score each memento the web page categories established by Padia et al.

Type hc score --help for more information on the available options for each criteria. The --help argument can also be supplied to a single option for more information, e.g., hc score bm25 --help.


Sorting content is critical for conveying meaning. For storytelling, we often want articles to flow in chronological order.

To order mementos in scored_mementos.tsv according to the publication date as extracted by newspaper3k, otherwise by memento-datetime:

hc order pubdate-else-memento-datetime -i mementos -ia scored_mementos.tsv -o ordered_mementos.tsv

The following criteria are available for order:

  • pubdate-else-memento-datetime - order mementos, if possible, by publication date as extracted by newspaper3k, otherwise fall back to memento-datetime
  • memento-datetime - order mementos by memento-datetime
  • score - order mementos by a given score, as produced by the score action

Type hc order --help for more information on the available options for each criteria. The --help argument can also be supplied to a single option for more information, e.g., hc order memento-datetime --help.