Core Actions


All examples on this page assume that the HC_CACHE_STORAGE variable has been set. If you do not know what this means, read the Caching and being nice to web archives section first.

For sampling from a collection or converting it into different forms, Hypercane offers the core actions of:

  • sample - for creating a sample of a collection
  • report - for generating a report on collection metadata, named entities, curation behavior, and more
  • synthesize - for generating output for other tools, like Archives Unleashed Toolkit or Raintale


Hypercane’s sample action allows a user to provide input

  • true-random - samples k mementos from the input, randomly
  • filtered-random - removes off-topic mementos, near-duplicates, and then randomly samples k mementos from the remainder
  • dsa1 - executes an updated version of AlNoamany’s original sampling algorithm, may also be specified using alnoamany
  • systematic - chooses every jth memento from the input

For example, to randomly sample 5 mementos from Trove collection 8125, type the following:

hc sample true-random -i trove -a 8125 -k 5 -o randomly-sampled.tsv

or to intelligently sample a set of approximately 28 mementos from Archive-It collection 694:

hc sample dsa1 -i archiveit -a 694 -o sampled-with-dsa1.tsv

or to systematically sample every 4th memento from the mementos in mementos.tsv:

hc sample systematic -i mementos -a mementos.tsv -o sampled-systematically.tsv -j 4

Hypercane’s sample action can also execute the following algorithms on output provided by its cluster action:

  • stratified-random - chooses j random mementos from each cluster
  • stratified-systematic - chooses every jth memento from each cluster
  • random-cluster - randomly chooses j clusters from the input and returns their mementos
  • random-oversample - randomly chooses mementos from clusters until those clusters are the same size as the largest cluster
  • random-undersample - randomly chooses mementos from clusters until those clusters are the same size as the smallest cluster

Type hc sample --help for more information on all available options. The --help argument can also be supplied to a single option for more information, e.g., hc sample dsa1 --help.


Hypercane can produce reports for use in storytelling and rudimentary collection analysis. The following report styles are available for use with the report action:

  • metadata - the metadata scraped from an Archive-It collection; output is a JSON file
  • image-data - provides information about all embedded images discovered in the input and ranks them so Raintale has a striking image for the story; output is a JSON file
  • seed-statistics - calculates metrics on the original resources discovered in the input, as mentioned in Jones et al. in 2018; output is a JSON file
  • metadata-statistics - calculates metrics on the metadata discovered in the input, as used across collections by Jones et al. in 2019; output is a JSON file
  • html-metadata - a report on the metadata available in each memento’s HTML texttt{META} tag, as applied by Jones et al. in 2021 ; output is a JSON file
  • growth - calculates metrics on the collection growth, as described in Jones et al. in 2018; output is a JSON file
  • terms - provides all terms discovered in the input, including their frequency, document frequency, probability, and corpus-wide TF-IDF; output is a tab-delimited file
  • entities - provides a list of all entities discovered in the input, including frequency, probability, and corpus-wide TF-IDF; output is a tab-delimited file

For example, to generate a report on the metadata for Archive-It collection 8788 and save it in a file named 8788-metadata.json:

hc report metadata -i archiveit -a 8788 -o 8788-metadata.json

or to do the same for Trove collection 13742:

hc report metadata -i trove -a 13742 -o 13742-metadata.json

or generate the entities from a list of mementos:

hc report entities -i mementos -a memento-file.tsv -o entity-report.json

Type hc report --help for more information on all available options. The --help argument can also be supplied to a single option for more information, e.g., hc report growth --help.


Hypercane’s synthesize action allows users to generate output for other tools with output in other formats, like WARC, JSON, or a set of files in a directory. The synthesize action has the following supported output formats:

  • warcs - (experimental) for generating a directory of WARCs
  • files - for generating a directory of mementos
  • bpfree-files - for generating a directory of boilerplate-free mementos
  • raintale-story - for generating a JSON file suitable as input for Raintale
  • combine - combine the output from several Hypercane runs together

To synthesize Archive-It collection 694 into a set of WARCs stored in output-directory:

hc synthesize warcs -i archiveit -a 694 -o output-directory

To synthesize a list of mementos into a set of WARCs stored in output-directory without any embedded images, JavaScript, or stylesheets:

hc synthesize warcs -i archiveit -a 694 -o output-directory --no-download-embedded

To synthesize a Raintale story built from the output of other Hypercane commands:

hc synthesize raintale-story -i mementos -a story-mementos.tsv \
    --imagedata imagedata.json --termdata sumgrams.json \
    --entitydata entities.json --collection_metadata metadata.json \
    --title "Archive-It Collection" -o raintale-story.json

Type hc synthesize --help for more information on all available options. The --help argument can also be supplied to a single option for more information, e.g., hc synthesize warcs --help.

For more examples and a discussion of using synthesize please read this blog post.